It seems as though everything happened at once. I'm afraid to start posting. There's so much to say. too much to say. The big question: One post? Five? TEN?? Alright, I think I'll tackle it in one (if I'm lucky). Okay, here we go. For posterity's sake (or mine in ten months--when I'm bored and want to reminisce):
We had a visit from Krissy! Which was completely awesome. Russ's sister came all the way out from North Carolina. Something happy happens when family gets together...

Our Beautiful Brecken turned eight years old!
(hair straight down, unadorned, per her request)...
Her baptism day truly was special. She is an amazing girl. Really. She has a good heart. Brecken, I love you.
Her and Daddy...
Russ Finished School! That's right, baby! We are he is done! Some say a picture is worth a thousand words. I say, these next pictures, they're worth a thousand hours. Each. Of hard work...
His mom...
My dad...
This is four generations right here...
And we are ALL glad he's done (go Dixie!)...
Couldn't be more proud, babe. You're amazing!
Let's see... a family reunion in Disneyland!!!
Just a few of our favorite pics...
Luke boy!...
Parade watching (and for me: Hallie watching--she was enthusiastically adorable)...
I'm pretty sure princess-meeting has ceased to be about the girls. This is Russ's the family favorite...
And this was adorable...
What Disneyland trip is complete without a lollipop?...
At our traditional Jack's Surfshop stop, the girls enjoyed hat modeling...
And that was California. More or less. I know I said I'd tackle it all in one post, but, there's a lot more coming. Later. Another day. So, until then :)