Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I didn't blog last friday. The internet didn't work. And now it does. The problem now is deciding if this is gonna kill two birds with one stone and count for this coming friday as well. We'll see :)

Since this is my Thanksgiving post I thought it only right to list a few things I am thankful for. So here goes in no particular order of importance:

I am grateful my family has never known hunger (despite my girls constant use of the phrase "I'm starving").

I am grateful that I have never wondered if I would have a home to go to. It may not always be clean, but that is of my own neglect.

I am grateful that I have a husband that makes me feel he loves me more than he loves himself. To put it plainly, he takes care of my needs above his. I feel a little selfish.

I am grateful I have three beautiful, good, happy daughters here with me on earth. They truly make being a mother my greatest joy (and a very interesting joy).

I am grateful I have a daughter waiting for me in Heaven to remind me of everything pure and good.

I am grateful for my brothers and sisters (in-laws alike). I never feel like I am alone, some one is always just a conversation away. They are my best friends.

I am grateful for all of my extended family. I have been so blessed with people I love and care so much about, that love and care about me also.

I am grateful for my parents who are also my best friends. They do more for me than anyone could imagine. Well, you could imagine it, but you wouldn't believe it.

I am grateful for Russell's parents. Not only did they provide me with the spouse of my dreams by raising such a hard working lad, but their genetic combination was just so as to produce a very good-looking, hard working lad. And they, too, have become some of my closest friends.

And I am grateful for my actual friends. Not just the family kind :). There aren't many people outside of family that I have become very close with in my life, but those I have are as dear to me as family.
I am grateful for sunshine. I don't make it a secret that sunshine makes me happy. And I love being where the sunshine is. I am so blessed.

I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. For His gospel. For the peace that He gives me always. It has been very seldom that I have faced trials in my life (of any real significance-I don't count Taylor drawing on walls :]) and when those times come Jesus Christ has been my comfort and my source of peace. He has carried me through times I would have expected to feel unrest and sadness and filled me with His love.

I am grateful that because of my Savior, and because of my Heavenly Father's plan for my family, we can be together forever. That all of those I love so well on earth I won't be parted from forever, and those who have already passed on I will get to see again, and not only see, but live with, and be sealed to. I am so grateful for this.

I have so many things to be grateful for!

But... I will skip to the picture portion. These are just some pictures of our day. It was filled with family and food. My two favorite things...

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Those pictures were all so cute! It's always so good to see family gathered around together with big smiles! I loved reading about all your blessings! You're such a special girl Ren! I love you so much!