How, you may ask, could this be a beautiful thing? Herein lies the beauty: Our midnight visitor went undetected. She came. She tossed. She turned. She even slept sideways. And yet I slept on in peaceful slumber. No elbows. No feet. How could this happen? Well, as promised, my queen bed is a thing of the past. That's right, I was kinged. And I will never look back!
Russ's brother Rich and his wife Vanessa are moving to Texas. Because of this they decided to sell their bedroom set. Since the green eyed monster has been living in me since I first layed eyes on the set (ok, not really, but I did really like it) we decided to buy it. And I'm in love all over again! (trust me, the pictures don't do it justice)...
Russ's dad and Rich went to a lot of trouble getting it here. Thanks a lot you guys! It was so fun to see you!!! And definitely worth the trip! (well for me at least :) )
Love you guys!!
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That is awesome! When we move we are getting Kinged too. I have seeb the set and now I am jealous!
Looks great, guys! I've always wanted to see my bed with different bedding! Your room must be big because it fit pretty good! I'm glad you can't even tell Brecken is in there now! Nice, huh! I can't ever go back either! I still haven't slept in a king while being pregnant but I know it's going to be a totally different experience! Glad you like it!
Ok, I'm jealous! King size beds are glorious, but I've only had the pleasure of sleeping on them in hotels. One day we'll upgrade. Maybe until then I could come nap on yours! Haa haa! Totally kidding!
that's awesome! it's so true, you'll never go back! brecken is so cute! she may realize now that she has more room though..and her feet will be in your face again :)..hehe.
oh, and tell her that i want to make her some cupcakes! let me know the next time you'll be down here..for reals, i'd luv to make some for my biggest fan :).
Be careful what you wish for!!! Keith and I have a king and he always threatens to downsize because I sleep so far away and won't let him touch me! :)
We bought a king a little over a year ago. LOVE IT!!! I am happy for you.
No Donkey league. Just a fund raiser for the school.
I'm jealous. Can't wait to get the future...
That looks sooo comfy!! Just makes me want to jump in it...!!!
I love your bed set! And I'm jealous that you have a king size - I don't even have kids yet to share our bed with and it already seems crowded!
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