Friday, October 15, 2010

A Thing of Beauty...

... Is a joy forever.

Look at it...

Isn't it beautiful?...


What is this reverie I find? Why, it is a lock on the pantry door. And what's this? It's out of Taylor's reach! Even with her infamous stool! Yes, I believe it was the best two dollar investment I have ever made. Actually, four dollars. I loved it so much I bought two. I'm not sure where the second one is going, so many options. The bathroom. The closet. The girl's bedroom (muahahahaha... no, that's going too far).

But while this last week has been free from honey on my floor, powdered sugar on the bed, syrup in the carpet, cereal on the counters, peanut butter on my walls, and all of the above on Taylor's fingers, face, and clothing (excepting at meal times), it is not a cure all.

She still manages things such as this...

Before you gasp and think "what veiny child is this??!!!" those are not veins. It is pen (a gasp is still in order)...

I caught her red handed, but even if I hadn't her right arm would have given her away. The little culprit...

And here is the real thing of beauty!...

She is just so sweet!!! I love my Hallie. Well, all of my girls. But right now, I am basking in the joy a baby can bring. Nothing is sweeter than a baby, resting her perfect little head on your shoulder, her dainty little fingers on your chest, her bright eyes looking about, the only movement is her perfect tiny breaths... now that is beautiful.


Sydney said...

Hi Ren! What a great find you had! Glad it's working to keep little fingers out of the pantry. :) Little Hallie is precious for sure!!

Kam said...

jealous of your flip lock. We bought two when we moved in, and have never put them up because our molding is weird. But I sooooo want one on our front door!

Poor Hallie, with her nicely penned face. Taylor looks really guilty in that pic. Too funny!!

Lorisa Schmidt said...

Love this post because I totally want one too! Don't you just love how you think you put things up high so they can't get them and they get a chair/stool. Avery is famous for that too. You will have to let me know how it goes. Hallie is too cute even with the pen all over her :)

Vanessa said...

Congratulations on week 2 of blogging on Friday!! Lucky for us! Okay, that was pretty much the cutest post ever. Especially the way you wrote it! So clever! And I am telling you, Taylor has a soft spot in my heart! Oh that face! And baby Hallie is sooo cute too! I'm so happy to finally see some more pics of your adorable girls. Oh and this kind of rings a bell from that post when Taylor was upside down in her car seat she is the big sister doing silly things to her baby sister:).

Mark & Shalon said...

i think it's pretty hilarious that taylor drew on hallie's face. but poor hallie!! cute girls! glad to see you blogging again!

Me said...

Ahahahahahaha!!!! Ohhh, I love this! You are so much fun! As soon as Avrie figures out the child proof door handles, we are investing in a few of those too! Ohhhh...I just laugh at the things they come up with. Not my two year old...yours. It's funnier when I don't have to clean anything up.

Emily said...

I'm terrible at commenting but I LOVE reading your blog, so funny!! And of course it helps that your girls are so adorable.

The McNeill's said...

Ren, Oh my Gosh! I am laughing so hard right now! Excuse my while I go to the restroom so I don't wet myself! I do remember those days, What a sweet little thing,Remember Patience, Patience, Patience.
Love your posts.

Destinee Ann said...

Reni Reni Reni! That was the funniest post I've read in a LONG time!!! The SIMPLEST things DO bring the most joy and beauty! Ha ha! I'm so proud you've kept your committment!;) Totally forgives staying up till 2:30 am when you were supposed to be in bed by 11 ;) LOVE you!